Most people purchasing this card are looking to have what is currently the fastest single slot card on the market. This is that card.
I purchased the XFX version because of the lifetime warranty. I had no problems with installation and the few questions I had for XFX technical support were answered quickly.
I do notice on startup that on the leftmost display of my two monitor setup, there is some faint flickering during the BIOS splash screen but it goes away almost immediately and I have noticed no issues when in the operating system. Although I have it set to factory settings, I have noticed that in graphic-intensive environments, when the GPU fan kicks on, it is loud. It's not annoying or distracting but it is there. On the upside, it doesn't happen often (say 10% of the time when gaming).
No issue at all! Its also very easy to overclock it with the XFX tool. I'm right now OCing it @ 815|1175 WITHOUT TWEAKING THE VOLTAGE!!! Sweeet. BUY IT NOW! If you are a demanding gamer.
Playing EVERYTHING (including Crisis Warhead, DoW2, AC2, BioShock2, MW2 etc) @ 1080p+4AA+16AF >= 50fps. One thing you should know... the cooler (over 50%) is WAY to noise. Get ready for some headphone with noise canceling!
If price is no object and you're looking to have the King of the Hill (at least right now), this is the card to have.
I purchased the XFX version because of the lifetime warranty. I had no problems with installation and the few questions I had for XFX technical support were answered quickly.
I do notice on startup that on the leftmost display of my two monitor setup, there is some faint flickering during the BIOS splash screen but it goes away almost immediately and I have noticed no issues when in the operating system. Although I have it set to factory settings, I have noticed that in graphic-intensive environments, when the GPU fan kicks on, it is loud. It's not annoying or distracting but it is there. On the upside, it doesn't happen often (say 10% of the time when gaming).
No issue at all! Its also very easy to overclock it with the XFX tool. I'm right now OCing it @ 815|1175 WITHOUT TWEAKING THE VOLTAGE!!! Sweeet. BUY IT NOW! If you are a demanding gamer.
Playing EVERYTHING (including Crisis Warhead, DoW2, AC2, BioShock2, MW2 etc) @ 1080p+4AA+16AF >= 50fps. One thing you should know... the cooler (over 50%) is WAY to noise. Get ready for some headphone with noise canceling!
If price is no object and you're looking to have the King of the Hill (at least right now), this is the card to have.
- Chipset:ATI Radeon HD 5970
- Core Clock:725MHz
- Memory: DDR5, 2GB, 512-bit, 4 GHz
- Output: DUAL DVI,DISPLAY PORT,HDMI/Double Profile
- PICE 2.0X16
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